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Monday, June 26, 2017

Konica C35 Automatic, Shades of the Green

Konica C35 Automatic, Shades of the Green 01
Konica C35 Automatic, Shades of the Green 02
Konica C35 Automatic, Shades of the Green 03
Konica C35 Automatic, Shades of the Green 04
Konica C35 Automatic, Shades of the Green 05
Analog Diary: Film photography favorites, image making with a Konica C35 Automatic, mesmerizing images of the green.
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A Konica C35 Automatic rangefinder and a roll of Fujifilm Superia 200, a beautiful day, time tending towards the late afternoon, the sun was still bright and shining, and images that were sequential to the path I took around the park.

The camera is a joy to use. A very bright and clear viewfinder with a small rangefinder overlap is located centrally. A three-quarter turn on the film forward crank advances the film frame, half-press the shutter release and you lock in the exposure. Line up the green distance mark to the indicator line on top of the lens front to set the hyperfocal distance, frame your image, and shoot away.

Konica C35 Automatic
Konica C35 Automatic

The images, as posted here, were post-processed on Olympus Viewer 3 (OV3) and tweaked with edits to Auto Tone Correction, Brightness & Contrast, Hue & Saturation, Unsharp Mask, Noise Reduction, and were cropped to the 16:9 aspect ratio.

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Monday, June 19, 2017

Olympus Trip 35, At The Ramadan Bazaar

Olympus Trip 35, At The Ramadan Bazaar 01
Olympus Trip 35, At The Ramadan Bazaar 02
Olympus Trip 35, At The Ramadan Bazaar 03
Olympus Trip 35, At The Ramadan Bazaar 04
Olympus Trip 35, At The Ramadan Bazaar 05
Analog Diary: Film photography favorites, image making with an Olympus Trip 35, and a street shoot at the Ramadan Bazaar.
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The annual Ramadan Bazaar is, as always, a hive of activity where throngs of buyers size up the delights for their break of fast, and the sellers equally actively hawk the aromas of local delicacies. Enjoyed the shoot with the Olympus Trip 35, a four-zone focus viewfinder camera that is fitted with a very sharp and highly acknowledged D.Zuiko 40mm F2.8 lens. AE (automatic exposure) is via a solar-powered selenium light meter that adjusts the aperture of the lens when the camera is set to its 'A' mode.

Shutter speed on the Trip 35 is 1/200th second when the camera is set to the 'A' mode, and 1/40th second when set to manual or flash mode. A red pop-up flag locks the shutter from being fired when the camera detects insufficient lighting for the 'A' mode to get a correct exposure for the framed view.

Olympus Trip 35
Olympus Trip 35

Apart from the straightforward four-position zone focus system, and an ISO setting from 25–400 (for the later version with the black plastic shutter button), the snap-shooter camera had no other photographic controls.

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Monday, June 12, 2017

Olympus Pen EF, Vantage Points

Olympus Pen EF, Vantage Points 01
Olympus Pen EF, Vantage Points 02
Olympus Pen EF, Vantage Points 03
Olympus Pen EF, Vantage Points 04
Olympus Pen EF, Vantage Points 05
The Half-Frame Format: Film photography favorites, image making with an Olympus Pen EF, and an eye for the best vantage points in 3:4 image frames.
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Changing the vantage point of where you are taking the shot from, and the visual level you are at is not only a great way to enhance composition, but it might make your photograph stand out from all of the other eye-level views made of a similar subject.

When you change the vantage point for a shot, for example, in the masthead image above, from an eye-level to a knee-level shot, you are literally bringing in leading lines from almost where you are, across the lake to the lung of green, which is back-dropped by giant monstrosities of concrete. The image, however, just misses out on not having a figure or two within its composition.

Olympus Pen EF
Olympus Pen EF

On the subject of the half-frame portrait format, with the vision constricted to that of a vertical, viewpoints can play a big part in giving impact to images. And of course, with the half-frame portrait frame shooter, where the camera is held in the normal horizontal position for portrait framing, changing your viewpoints to create more linearity or height in your perspectives is much easier than you think. Have a look at the images posted for a comparison of image impacts taken from differing viewpoints.

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Monday, June 5, 2017

Olympus XA1, The Car Wash Revisited

Olympus XA1, The Car Wash Revisited 01
Olympus XA1, The Car Wash Revisited 02
Olympus XA1, The Car Wash Revisited 03
Olympus XA1, The Car Wash Revisited 04
Olympus XA1, The Car Wash Revisited 05
Analog Diary: Film photography favorites, image making with an Olympus XA1, at the car wash, again.
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The Olympus XA1, though not really favored by most as one of the fine flavors of the Olympus XA clamshell series, is still one of my favorite film cameras for its point-and-shoot simplicity. It comes fitted with a fixed focus 4 element Zuiko D 35mm f/4 with an aperture range from f/4 to f/22, shutter speed is automated from 1/30 to 1/250 second. Framed images are in focus from 1.5m onward.

The camera, however, does not come with the red membrane touch shutter the others in the clan have, but a standard press-down button in the norm of other Olympus cameras from a slightly earlier period. Exposure control is a selenium cell unit fitted surrounding surround the lens as per the hugely popular and successful Olympus Trip 35.

Olympus XA1
Olympus XA 1

The camera does not need or require a battery to run or to manage its exposure system. A red pop-up flag system blocks the shutter from being released if the image is underexposed, simplicity itself.

Olympus XA1
Olympus XA 1

Post-processing on Olympus Viewer 3 (OV3) includes a slight Crop to adjust for scanning misalignment, Shading Compensation to adjust edge darkening, a slight drag of the Tone Curve to darken the image ever slightly, and Brightness & Contrast to add volume to the image.

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