The autofocus Konica Z-up 28W is oversized for your pants pocket but will fit in your camera bag. It has a very useful 28-56mm F3.5~6.6 zoom lens protected by a built-in UV filter and a very quiet shutter and is one the fastest autofocus I have used recently.
The zoom functions through a push button on the top panel of the camera, with one push of the button, the lens zooms out, and at its end, zooms back in. While exposure is automatic, I do not even know the shutter speed range or the lens's aperture range.
Camera mode selection, for Auto Flash, Flash On, Flash Off, Self-Timer with Flash On, Infinity Focus with Flash Off, and Macro Mode with Flash On is via a Mode selector button, and the setting is displayed on the LCD panel of the shutter release button cluster.
A nice feature of the camera is the Snap mode, which sets the camera to a focal length of 28mm and a focal distance of 2.75 meters, and the film advances to two frames per second. When the Snap mode is coupled with the Self-Timer with Flash On mode, the Z-up 28W will set the shutter off twice, after a ten-second delay, and the next three seconds later.