Monday, May 3, 2021

Industar 50-2 50mm 1:3.5, A M42 Variant

Industar 50-2 50mm 1:3.5, Vintage Lens Test, A M42 Variant 01
Industar 50-2 50mm 1:3.5, Vintage Lens Test, A M42 Variant 02
Industar 50-2 50mm 1:3.5, Vintage Lens Test, A M42 Variant 03
Industar 50-2 50mm 1:3.5, Vintage Lens Test, A M42 Variant 04
Industar 50-2 50mm 1:3.5, Vintage Lens Test, A M42 Variant 05
Vintage Lens Test: Image making with an Industar 50-2 50mm 1:3.5, an M42 variant of the M39 50mm 1:3.5 'eagle eye'.
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The Industar-50-2 was an M42 variant of the 50mm 1:3.5 lens made by KMZ which builds the lens mainly as an Industar-50 M39 screw-mount standard lens for the Zorki rangefinder camera series. The series was first introduced in 1959 by KMZ.

Olympus Pen E-P5, Industar 50-2 50mm 1:3.5
Olympus Pen E-P5, Industar 50-2 50mm 1:3.5

The lens, derived from Zeiss's Tessar 4-element lens, was nicknamed the 'Eagle's eye'. The brand name Industar was used for all similar 4-element/3-group lens constructions of the whole Soviet photo-optical industry.

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  1. My version did not focus untill i used a macro ring. Its a cute compact lens.

    1. I am glad you are enjoying the moments with the lens. I do mine as a random lens test and put the lens up for sale next.
